Saturday, May 07, 2005

I Guess I'm Into Recycling...

...posts that is. This is for Sleepybomb, where ever he may be.

As posted on April 29th, 2005. "Another great musician and a friend / co-conpirator of Billy Harvey (they help each other out in the studio). Ladies and Gents', tables and chairs, please give a big hand to song-writer extrordinare, Bob Schneider. Here is the link to B. Schne's works. It seems I gravitate toward artists who work with other artists I like, such as guitarist Tim Pirce. He has worked with, among others, Toy Matinee and Tim Finn."

1 comment:

sleepybomb said...

bob is very cool, and i am like you where as i like a lot of collaboration and sharing ideas. i still can't thank you enough for having the link to billy. we got the cds last week and each is very good, but 'pie' is incredible. i am in awe.
did ya listen to my new tune? (it's up but keeps changing as the day goes by).