Tuesday, August 09, 2005

School Power Point

This post is for those in my National University 611 class. So if you're not in the class, and you download these files and they are meaningless to you, well, I'm sorry. If your in the class, and you download these files, and they are meaningless to you, well then I'm still sorry:-) Anyway, the files are HERE. To download click on the appropriate chapter. If you have problems, you can e-mail me or just leave a comment.

PS. Feel free to browse the blog. Check out the "Hear Ye!, Hear Ye!" section for free and legal music downloads.

PPS. While you are here, you might as well download gobs of free and legal music compliments of Chris Plays Guitar. I hear the bass player is really, really cool; and needs dinner, and a beer. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Beeeeeeeeer!!!!

PPPPS. This "little favor" will cost each of you a dinner, and a beer. Mmmmmmm. Beer!


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for doing this Mike, it's really going to help prepare for the test.

The Salazars

sonicfrog said...

Test?? What Test???