Friday, September 09, 2005

Gay Marriage in CA - Are We Ready???

Greg and I have been debating this back and forth since it hit the news. Arnold has taken heat for vetoing the Gay Marriage bill... and well, just being Arnold. The standard defense for the veto has been that Californians already voted against gay marriage in 2000 when they voted yes on Prop 22. This is a legitimate argument. So isn't the legislature once again going against the will of the people (google California Drivers licenses for Illegals for an example)? I had been wondering though, what the pol numbers currently show concerning this issue. Do Californians still hold the same sentiments that they did five years ago? According to TCS writer Ryan Sager, the numbers are changing. I know my little bro hates this site as the views expressed are conservative, pro capitalism, pro industry and vocal Global Warming skeptics (partially funded by big oil... OoOoOooOo), but I have often found the site thought provoking even if I disagree with some of the premis's of the articles.

Hat Tip: Sully

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